
Posts Tagged ‘go public’

Getting some writing done this week will happen only if you let people know that you’re using every spare minute to write.

You need to go public and let others know that you aren’t kidding.  Then throw yourself into your writing.

One person I know says that for her status on Facebook this week, she has written “Lockdown.” 

When people email her and gingerly suggest getting together, she doesn’t waste time in saying not now, not this week.

When I was writing my dissertation, I always wished that I had a writing cottage or that I could afford a writing retreat.  I’m a big believer in acting as if, so I put a sign on the door to my study that said, “Mom’s in Maine.” Then I put a postcard picture of a cottage on my bulletin board on the wall beside my desk so that I would see the cottage whenever I looked away from my writing,

To make this week count, to set yourself up for a week of successful writing, choose the perspective that will let you be the most dedicated and productive writer you can be. 

Go public—tell others and post your signs.  

Then create a visual as if and transport yourself to that envisioned place where you will be free to write. 

This is the time of year when you need a little extra support.  I have something that will be of help.  Go to www.nwcoaching.com and get a free sign-up bonus when you subscribe to my Smart Tips for Writers e-newsletter. The bonus is a great gift–one you can use.

Until next time,

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