Family and friends tend to give advice to ABD’s. It’s usually well-meaning. Sometimes it comes from personal experience and sometimes not.
Rarely does it help.
What I often hear from my dissertation clients is how difficult it is for them to deal with family members’ over-investment in the dissertation process.
Most ABD’s say that their family or others close to them have unrealistic expectations and don’t understand the process, topic, or research.
Or the role of the advisor/mentor/committee.
Or the politics involved.
It’s easy for a casual remark to draw blood.
One ABD avoids going to her parents’ house when she thinks her father may be there. He doesn’t respect her boundaries.
If you have had others overly invested in your dissertation process, what have you done?
I’m sure some of you have helpful suggestions for how to deal with this common problem.
ABD’s need all the support they can get.
I’d love to hear from you.
All good wishes,
Nancy Whichard, Ph.D., PCC
Your International Dissertation Coach and Academic Career Coach