Nearly every day I receive email from people who are making no or next to no progress on their dissertations. They are scared of the future and ashamed of having let so much time go by.
They complain about feeling isolated–working far from their universities, having little contact with their advisors, and having no colleagues or friends involved in a similar process.
That kind of isolation can be overwhelming and can keep you stuck.
It’s up to you to reach out to others.
Here are four tips for successful writing:
• What helped you to write when you were still on campus? Create an atmosphere, a feeling, or a semblance of campus right where you are that is conducive to writing.
• Seek out places to write where people are writing and reading — a public library, a university library, a coffee shop, even rental office space. Go there routinely, and as you settle in nod and smile at others who are also there regularly.
• Reach out to others who will buddy-up with you.
• Hire a dissertation coach or writing coach who will help you set goals and who will support you. You don’t have to be entirely alone during this process, and you shouldn’t be. It isn’t healthy and it isn’t smart.
Put forward some effort in order to feel more connected.
All the best,
P.S. Last chance to get the September on-line Smart Tips for Writers newsletter. You haven’t heard of it? Is that why you haven’t signed up for it? Don’t waste another minute—sign up at my website: .
Nancy Whichard, Ph.D., PCC
Your International Dissertation Coach and Academic Career Coach
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