
Posts Tagged ‘when to write’

There’s still time for a January surge on your dissertation.

In this time of fresh starts, you first need to decide on the where and the when of your dissertation writing.

Where?  Where will you work?  Do you have a place at home where you won’t be interrupted and where you won’t give in to taking naps or pushing furniture around or watching TV?  If not, then you need to get out of the house.  Where will you work? Decide that first.

When?  Will you write first thing in the morning?  Will you get coffee and then write? Don’t give away the time when you are at your best.  Don’t set yourself up for failure by planning on it when you think you might have to take the baby to the doctor or walk the dogs or get caught in traffic and miss the appointed time.

Congratulations!  You have a Where and When.

Re-starting your dissertation writing can be just that easy.

There’s a lot of power in small steps—take a small step and see how it goes.

Your Dissertation Coach

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